Show off your chicken names!!!

As a matter of fact, yes! Friday we were at a football game and our neighbors called to tell us one of the buffs had gotten into their yard and they'd put it in the coop. When we got home and talked to him more, we realized he was talking about a chick, not one of our chickens. We looked all over for a chick but couldn't find one. The next day DH heard a "peep" from a pile of wood and by golly, there was a chick hiding in it. How it survived the night, I don't know. Her name is Sophia and my niece is fostering her (we hope it's a her) until she's big enough to join the rest of the flock.

How did a chick appear at our house???
We have 2 of ours named... the rest are just called the "girls." As in, "Come on, girls! Time to eat!"

We have Flocka, a Lavender Orpington rooster who was named by my Journalism students last year. (Named after a rapper - Wocka Flocka or something?)

And Midas, named by BYC members.
We have a Bella/Stella ( RIR's)
Lavern/Shirley ( Gold Laced wyn's)
Bunny the Easter
Angelous ( Silkie ) aka as Angel
Rosie/Ruffles ( Dom's)
Roxy/Rita (barred Rock's)

Soon will be adding more Im sure...
Esmerelda - black Cochin frizzle
Millie, Tillie, and Lillie - three Mille's that I can right now no way tell apart
Laverne and Shirley
Pebbles and Marshmallow (white silkies)
Sallie and Hallie (black silkies named after my kids 'alter egos' they used to make movies of)

Harry - silkie roo that used to be Harriet til he started crowing - aka 'big fat chicken'
Freddy Mercury - black Cochin frizzle roo (aka Forrest Gump - I was a-runnin' - can't fly)
Snickers - EE
Tyranosaurus chicken - Tyra - Black crested Polish
Peepermint Patty - Silver Sebright
Marigold - Golden Sebright

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