Show off your chicken names!!!

Barred Rocks: Peepers, Rocky, Clucky and we had Chicken Little (we had to put her to sleep)
Buff Orpingtons: Henrietta, Cheerie, Wii and 2 unnamed...I was thinking Nugget and Buffy (although Buffy is pretty common...I may go with another idea from this page) My son likes Mimi, but he thinks everything should be named that right now..LOL.

I love reading all the names!! Thanks for sharing and creating this page!
4 Silkie-X hens (Queenie, Shy, Trapeze, Splash)
14 EE hens (Hawk, Eagle, Fraidy Cat, Puffball, Country Girl, plus unnamed ones at the Farm)
1 Columbian Wyandotte named Wyoming
1 Ameraucana rooster named Flame
1 white Silkie roo named Jitterbug
1 splash Silkie-X roo named Splatter
1 Dominique-X-Ameraucana named Speckles
1 Really Big Red-Blue Blur named Roosevelt

The rest of the Farm chickens have no names, mostly because there are several of each type and telling them apart would be quite a job.
My chicks names are:

Beast (Beauty passed away, they were twin frizzles, beauty had almost no frizz, beast had a bunch of frizz)
Mocha Bean
Cocoa Bean (Chocolate Bean, Coffee Bean and Jelly Bean passed away)
Hot Wings
Mild Wings
Cotton Eyed Jo
Hokey Pokey
Soulja Gurl
and the newest babies will be candy bars, but haven't picked out names to faces yet.......
Altsteirer: Roo, Captain Carrot. Hens: Gravy and Sausage

Mutts: all hens, Barry, Mitzi, Messy, Token Black

Bielefelder Roo, Sargent Pepper. Hens: Penny, Michelle, Rita

Welsummer Bantams Roo: Lieutenant (Face Man) Peck, Frau Compot, H.M
Henry(My Rooster supposed have been a hen)
Pistol or Priscilla(don't know yet if its a boy or a girl)

All named after their breed or color except for Henry and Pistol/Priscilla
Well, here are some of my chickens' names
Red Polish Roo: Buzzcut (my brother quoted that he looked as though he had a buzzcut hairdoo!)
White Crested Black Polish hen/roo: Einsteina/Einstein
Red Pyle OEGB hen: Redneck, 'cause she's got a red neck, lol!
Silver Duckwing OEGB hen: Sparrow
White Silkie hen: Isabelle
Black Cochin: Boots (As a baby just getting her feathers in, Boots' leg feathers came in first, giving her a booted look!
White Sultan Hen: Chessie Originally it was Chester, since I thought it was a boy, but then came the first egg, hence changing the name to Chessie.

....Dangit, I KNOW I'm forgetting some...!
I've got 6 ladies and I let my husband and brother in law (age 14) pick the names, then I picked who got what name.

We have 2 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes - Kentucky (as in fried chicken) and Enchilada (as in chicken enchilada)
1 Black Jersey Gaint - Loco (Pollo Loco)
1 Buff Brahma - Churches (Church's Chicken)
1 Barred Rock - FilA (Chick-fil-A)
1 Easter Egger - Feliz (Pollo Feliz)

I'm not sure if all these fast food places are familiar to all of you, but they are EVERYWHERE here in Tucson. Enchilada is the only one named after a food rather than an eatery because they ran out of popular restaurants lol

And here are 5 of the ladies (the BR is super shy, super small, and the very bottom of the pecking order so she doesn't come out much)
Goldie, Penny, Ginger, (Tiger) Lily, Buff Orps
Big Daddy, Star, Storm, Partridge Cochins
Icebergh, Angel, Queen Ann (as in the flower), Loco, Lacy, White Silkies
Halo, Golden Penciled Silkie
Pearl, Spirit, Faith, Hope, Love, Brahmas

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