Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Aunt- wow! A house Del. You are in for it now! She looks like a nice big girl.

As to a bath, this is the advice I was given for white birds and found it works very nicely. I am sure there are other methods and tricks out there, too.

get four tubs of warm water.
First tub gets Trend with bleach alternative in it - enough to get the water a little sudsy- wash her well in this. Fill it so she is about half way in it- most chickens, I am told, love the warm and relax into it. My experience is that some do and some don't, so you may need an extra pair of hands for this.
Second tub gets a little white vinegar to rinse her and cut the soap- rinse really well.
Third tub gets a few drops of laundry bluing- this can be a bit hard to find. Kroger's carries it. Rinse really well in this also
Fourth tub gets a few drops of glycerine.
then wrap in a towel to get most of the moisture. You can use a hair dryer to dry, or put her in a warm place and by morning she will have worked it out herself.
Thanks! She is a good size hen, bigger than her 'sister' Del, Speckles. And very sweet. One of the reasons I just couldn't put her down. A lot of my friends thought I was crazy for spending the money, but I am just so attached to her. She is the one that was always the first to great me in the mornings and likes setting on my shoulder when I'm outside. She loves being in the house. But I think she must be feeling better, she has started 'arguing' with me about taking her meds. She doesn't want her 'food' with the meds, she want her 'real' food!
She is very vocal!

I have heard of the bluing, just never have used it. I will have to look for it tomorrow at the grocery store. Where does one by glycerine? What is it used for? I'll have to look for that. But I'll try. I want her to look specially nice for pictures under the Christmas tree!

Again, Thanks for all the info. I hope to try it the 'bath' this week.

The "original" Delaware was a sport, from a cross made by George Ellis from a BR rooster over an NH hen. The Delaware club web site has a great history if you want to read it.

Glycerine is usually available at drug stores. Nice stuff for your hands, too. Let me know if you try washing her with all that, I would love to see/hear if it cleaned her up as well as it did mine.
This poor, young thing. I ordered a dozen eggs off ebay this past June when it was hot, & he's the only one that hatched. Would like to try again, but can't find any Delawares locally.


He'll follow me around & even sit on my knee.

From Paula:

I have heard of the bluing, just never have used it. I will have to look for it tomorrow at the grocery store. Where does one by glycerine? What is it used for? I'll have to look for that. But I'll try. I want her to look specially nice for pictures under the Christmas tree!

Again, Thanks for all the info. I hope to try it the 'bath' this week.

From Me!:

I've found glycerine (sp?) in Wal Mart in the pharmacy section (over the counter -but I don't remember where) and I think I've gotten it at CVS before. I've used it in homemade bath salts but it's been awhile. One of it's uses is I think a softener, I don't remember what else (as to why it is in the medical section.)
Hillbilly hen, This guy looks like one of mine.... Where is he from ?

Hillbilly Hen, I am having a hard time getting my photos to upload tonight. . . I am trying though. Here are two pics of my youngest roo. He is 7 months old.
This is my stalker who follows me all over the yard doing the wing dance and chattering NON-STOP!

He is about a month younger in the photo below.... when he was in stalking mode...

Oh, I love the photo of him looking thru the door
My BR, Zeke did that last week. I thought someone was knocking on the front door and there he was looking in.
Your roo looks nice.

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