Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Wow, Kathy, can you take a picture of ME with your new camera?? I like how it makes everything look so smooth!!

Thanks Ghostrider, I hope I really do have 2 pullets. That would be awesome!
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Cool art shots Kathy. I would frame a couple of the "squiggly" ones. Those birds are looking great too. There are some chunky guys there.

Kopeck: Normal dosage is 1 tablespoon per gallon but when I'm going for pullets I always add a little more. Just being sure because it won't hurt them.
I took some pictures of my Project Delawares, with my new camera.....

This first picture I was at my house and zoomed wayyyyyyyyyy down to the coop (a LONG way!)

The "extra roosters," pen...........

Hi Kathy, would you post some pics in "normal" mode? I'd love to see how your project Delawares are coming along. These are the ones you are "recreating", right? When will they be to the point you are selling chicks and/or hatching eggs? I'm not particularly fond of the Delawares I have now. I think they are the basic hatchery birds, but don't really know. Just that they don't look particularly wonderful.
Hi everone, I'm new here; reading a lot but not posting... This year I ordered 12 Delaware chicks from Meyer's, all cute and healthy. They are now six weeks old, and some have yellow-gold legs as expected, but a few have yellow legs with a greenish tinge. Is this normal? Evidence of cross-breeding? I was hoping to keep a cockrel but not so sure now. I know they aren't breeder sourced chicks, but still... Thanks, Mary
I'm not expert but from what I've read the green tint isn't uncommon among hatchery stock and even a few breeders have had to deal with it.

They're suppose to be bright yellow, my guess is there's a cross somewhere down the line or hatcheries simply not carrying all that much and not removing the fault from their breeder stock.

I have to say mine all l yellow legs, which made me pretty happy.

They are now six weeks old, and some have yellow-gold legs as expected, but a few have yellow legs with a greenish tinge. Is this normal? Evidence of cross-breeding? I was hoping to keep a cockrel but not so sure now.
Some of my chicks had a slight green tinge to their legs, when they were that age. As they matured, their legs became darker yellow.


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