Show off your dogs!!!!!!!!!!!! **VERY PIC HEAVY!!**

I double posted the same pics. excuse me
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I only have 2 dogs...

Winddancer's Love My Mallards (aka Ducky) is a Pure Bred English Springer Spaniel. He just turned 1 yr and will begin his Search and Rescue training this summer (I hope)


This is Ducky when he was 13 weeks old...

This is me and Ducky taken on his 1st bday!!

And this was Ducky just a few weeks ago.. playin in the snow.. he's a nut!
Madeline is an English Springer Spaniel/German Shorthaired Pointer mix... we rescued her from the puppy mill (which we didnt know it was at the time) in the Ozark Mtns. She knows sign language, but is not deaf, and will protect my daughter like nobody's business!! The people we got her from were going to put her down because she was 99% white and they sell her as a hunting dog... so we drove 12 hrs to get her!!! Best $200 I ever spent


This is Madeline as a pup.. approx 13 weeks old


And this is Madeline now.. She's 3 yr old in this pic... Madeline has become the protector of the house and when the electric goes out and we lose heat, she will curl up around my daughter (who is disabled) and keep her warm.. she'll do it without even being told. She is also a seizure dog.. she could sense when my daughter or I were going to have a seizure even before we knew it....

I love the ESS breed!!! They are such clowns!!

On the back of the couch (blending in) is the boss! Thats Ginger our wonder mutt! The light colored one is Bruce also a wonder mutt and the one using his butt as a pillow is Mocha our GSP.

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