Show off your dogs!!!!!!!!!!!! **VERY PIC HEAVY!!**

this is Chief. I found Chief this December or i should say he found me. He was badly tore up and was almost starved to death. it was in the middle of a bad cold spell -13. he couldn't even eat when he found me. he looked like some one had used a knife on him and cut him up. i took him to the vet and got him all patched up and checked for a micro chip. vet told me all his wounds were bite wounds from another dog. any way he has put on lots of weight and has almost healed up 100%. on his last trip to the vet he was 69lbs and got a clean bill of health. I have placed adds in the paper and on craigslist. i have had a couple calls from people wanting him but not from his owner. so i guess he is mine now. we have bonded really good and if i leave the room he comes looking for me. he was at some time some ones pet he is 100% house broke. loves to play fetch don't bother the chickens or cows.

Stover German Shepard/Husky/Wolfx (He's five years old)

6 y/o Daisy ACDx (rescue) on left and Bully (rescue) Weimaraner on right (he's 3 y.o)

2 y/o Boris Van Valckensteyn Long Hair weimaraner (His dam is an International Show Ch/hunter and his sire German Hunter)

Boris doing what he was bred for (I went to The Netherlands to get him)

Boris when I knit

Boris when I knit, taking lessons on agility or hunting refresher courses

Bub (Hypothyroid, food and seasonal allergies - 4 y/o rescue)

Baby, she's 5 y/o and also hypothyroid

DS (who is 25 y/o) owns this 9 1/2 y/o Golden/Springerx named Big Boy

This dog is the sister to the dog above, also 9 1/2 y/o, belongs to DD (who is 20 y/o), held by DSIL
(she doesn't like her pic taken)

Our 12 y/o Golden/Colliex, Ozzy and 14 y/o Golden, Melsing both passed on a year ago come this April
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I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's pups!

Here is Moxie. She is a 5 year old Miniature pinscher / Pomeranian mix. She is super sweet, super smart and is my baby.

Moxie at Nubble Lighthouse


She likes to ride on the bow of the kayak!

On top of the world.
Lol! We try to take her everywhere with us. We are geocachers - it's kind of a hi-tech treasure hunt type game. No actual treasure, but it brings you to many wonderful places. We usually snap quite a few pics of her when we're out and about.

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