Show off your Easter Eggers!

@Brahma Chicken5000 what breeds “created” Wendy (if you know)? She’s sooo prettyyy
Well the mother was a Lavender Ameraucana and I believe the father was a single combed Buff Laced Wyandotte. She has the Wyandotte body a bit. I also have a picture of her brother.

This is dad, moms are hatchery Buff Orpingtons.


These are the result the 2 in the front are a mix of yellow and white, the one behind them in the middle is nearly pure white with black stripes down its back and all the way in the black the others are a darker brown/blonde color. I am assuming the darker ones and the mostly yellow one to the right will be buff or mostly buff after looking at others crosses. The others I have no clue and was wondering if others have had a similar cross and what theirs looked like or if someone is familiar with the roos color genetics.

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