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True! Hadn't thought of that, but given their ages, could be molt.

well its pretty cold here in ca still they have not beggining molting but i will continue to work with them
well the pens are a good size, well atleast i think, they are 4x4 and 6 ft upwaards. i can fit in there but these guys are going all out on me im taking about as if i was another stag ive tried approching them with food in my hand and as soon as they eat it they attach my hand at full force! I can fit in there but i dont think its enough space to hang out in there or is it? what are you;re pens like? any other suggestions?

Most of my pens are 4'x8'x8' high. I keep my brood pairs in the same size. I have a couple 8'x8'x8' pens that I keep the chicks in after they are off the brooder or hen until they stop getting along with each other. I do have quite a few 4'x4'x4' wire pens I keep young pairs in after they have to be separated.
Just throwing up a few pics I took today playing around when I let the chicks out for the first time today. They're 1/2 American, 1/2 Shamo.


Another pullet picture.

(and another)

And one of the red stags (have five stags, three pullets.. Stags vary from a wheaten to kind of a buff/red color).

Size comparison- left to right. Shamo grade stag, mudpuppy black pullet, Shamo (his first encounter).

Nice looking chicks Daniel! That Shamo is huge! He doesn't bother the chicks?

Here's a pic of the White Sonatol Asil's I hatched. (about 3 weeks in the pic)
Not at all, he is pretty gentle towards everything except my bantam cock. He did peck them once when it came to feed but that was as far as it went


PS. And nice birds, is that the flyingfrizzles? Didn't think it had been that long ago..
Yep they are the Flyinfrizzle's from ebay. Time flies I guess. They hatched on May 1st. So far I'm real happy with them, they are very uniform and seem very hearty. I moved them from the brooder out to a fly pen today. 5 minutes later they weren't white anymore instant dust baths all around.
awsome chief where u get them i knew you were looking for them for awhile

I think it was CubanLongtails that told me of a guy selling them on Ebay. Flyinfrizzle was his "name". I bought 20 eggs, 10 of them hatched.

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