Show Off Your Games!

The jungle fowl in quotes Cackle sells are a lot different from their "games". Size is only part of the difference. It would not take many generations of selecting for egg laying to get other changes popping up from lack of maintenance.
DT you are saying not game owing to lack of selection for it rather than breeding to a production or ornamental stock?
Lack of selection. I don't know of any Old English LF (or bantams) who are what I would classify as "games," except by some of the breeders who have recently picked some up in the past few years (or decade) and made their selections from American games.
Lack of selection. I don't know of any Old English LF (or bantams) who are what I would classify as "games," except by some of the breeders who have recently picked some up in the past few years (or decade) and made their selections from American games. 

You are making the distinction of being "game" versus simply being wholly of recent "game" stock. I think the Cackle lines are of the latter category. Somewhere much earlier I commented in this thread that the Cackle strains are not of the former type, at least not consistently so.

Here is a Cackle black. Or maybe a Sid Taylor/Australorp cross. He seems to be put together a little better than the other ones, a little finer and longer legs. This one has an identical twin but he lost his tailfeathers to a roving gang of turkeys and now they don't get along.
They are that is why I'm asking like to night is going to drop in the lower 30. I don't post much but I come here a lot to see and get advice.
They are that is why I'm asking like to night is going to drop in the lower 30. I don't post much but I come here a lot to see and get advice.
Welcome , glad to see one concerned about the birds . If it was my valued birds i would say it's a good time to bring them in .
A lot of people raise them in a shelter or building and make adjustments accordingly .
It's not a bad idea to have them together for warmth, but I don't believe they need it. Chickens can cope with cold weather well, if fed and watered good, and have a place to get out of the wet and wind. But, some will come down to it, not the ones I want to breed form, though, (unless overly young or old). So if he's/they're your prized, then freezing cold is a small risk.

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