Show Off Your Games!

I am going to my first Gamefowl show tomorrow... about 30 minutes from my house. I will try to take pictures. breeder site as well..
That should be quite the show. If Kenny Troiano is there you could learn alot, he has done lots of research and informative work on gamefowl over the years. Highly recommend looking in to some of his many publications. Have fun.
So is it just me or are you taking this way more personal than you need to be? I have graded asils myself with American game, found it to be a waste of time and pen space as I already owned a great line of Lacy roundheads. Just stating the fact that breeders will differ on opinion as to what to do with their fowl and what ruins or betters fowl. But that is the breeders prerogative. Bad orientals will do more to hurt American games just as crossing meat/egg layer fowl to them will. Have seen and owned many a straight combed American game that needed no 1/8 asil to "prop up" their bottom :). My point still is and always will be, if you are the one throwing your hard earned dollars at the birds in your back yard, then you can dress them in period costume and re enact Waterloo for all I care.
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No not at all. Prairie. Seems like u are more so than me. If u been around the pit u know orientals been crossed into games.
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my first pure white white kelso

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