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Been a busy day. Toad been living in lab for at least two year straight. First does not move when I try to get by with a cart. Then she thinks I might eat her.


Chicks up 7 feet under their own power. I made them roost in box under pen.

Pup got crazy today. Pup not small, rather boy big wearing his mother's shoes when he is only 8 years old.

Pup knocked daughters tooth out. She said it was not her fault, pup did it so not her problem.

Battle Royal is on. Even pullets getting into it. They even peck me when picked up. There is something very different about how they behave beyond the actual combat and vocalizations. Older birds used to suppress it behave in a similar manner. It looks almost like behavior associated with the imprinting process.

First two worst combatant stags put into a pen with older juveniles. For a while those morons where taking on American Dominique cockerels that were four times their size. Then the two numb nuts started going back at it again until a larger game pullet came over and put it to them. The two stags were pulled and placed singly into time out. Will attempt re-introduction tonight.

The remaining 7 had a single American Dominique cockerel placed over them. He got the fighting to stop quicker but I can still here the problem birds talking a little smack. The cockerel seems to react quickly to the smack talk. A game stag or cock would be better for this application except they eat too much of the wrong kind of feed.

These are the same way. Not all but probably 60% have to be separated. And not just carry them to a different part of the yard but where they can’t find each other.
First round battle royal suppressed. Shortly, I will be placing groups in elevated pens out in barnyard where a lot of effort will be placed in keeping the shaded and protected from heavy rain. Then the Japanese Beetle lures will be put out. There two elevated pens that are about 10 feet apart. I will have to do a little work to keep the two groups from fighting when released at same time in evenings.
It’s hot here. Yesterday morning I had a grey hen come off with 4 chicks. She got back in her nest bucket Last night. This morning she came off with 8. Those eggs were still viable after that long unattended. It’s hot here
Weather is bad, fireworks way worse. People are lighting stuff off causing chickens to bail from roost and flinch. I just had to fish a bunch of juveniles from deep in a sumac patch because they would did not want to stay on roost in pen. Three grown dogs are hiding in pantry of basement wining. They will not be worth a crap until fireworks stop tonight. Crystal meth sucking numb nuts

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