Show off your house ducks!

At 12 days old I stepped on her behind me. I had just gotten a exercise pen to keep others from stepping on her in the court yard. She would start running after other people when they walked by if we where chilling outside. she died within one second of the accident. So at least she didn't suffer to much.thats the only comfort I can take in the matter, thinking she didn't suffer

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry....that's always a HUGE paranoia of mine with little ones! My mom taught me a valuable lesson from her days on the farm: Shuffle, don't walk.
I think he knows that when I come out I usually and there to take him inside and he knows he gets special treats. and I don't keep him in any longer than he wants to he'll start packing me more than lovable so to speak to let me know that he wants to go back out with his friends. it's so adorable when I take him outside they all swarm around him and miss him and poking him to try to find out where he's been for the past couple of hours I'll have to take some video sometime and figure out how to post it on here.and I plan on cuddling him as long as he likes me
aaaww, that is so sweet that they miss him. I'd love to see videos of your feathered birdies but have no idea either how to load them.
Aww, thanks so much! She's surprised us, we thought she was a blue pied but nope, she's a tortoiseshell duck. We didn't even know that was possible; we've certainly never seen red on a call duck before! That dark bill and blueberry feets are my favorite parts <3
eeeeee, blueberry feets. Blueberry webs on the Bean.
At 12 days old I stepped on her behind me. I had just gotten a exercise pen to keep others from stepping on her in the court yard. She would start running after other people when they walked by if we where chilling outside. she died within one second of the accident. So at least she didn't suffer to much.thats the only comfort I can take in the matter, thinking she didn't suffer
I'm so sorry for your loss! I learned the hard way to always check to see where the little ones are - they can move in an instant, and unfortunately that's all that it takes. I am insanely careful, to the point where my hand has been numb for over an hour because I have held it frozen in place, cupped over a little one while they slept to make sure that they were 100% protected. I am doubly neurotic now, and insane when it comes to the really little babies. If I am doing breeding stock imprinting, they stay with me 24/7 for the first few days of life. I don't get any sleep while this goes on because there are so many things that could happen. Even with the best of care, accidents do happen. The 12 days she had were made all the better by spending them with you.
Amykins, I am so sorry about Bean enduring that awful experience. I am glad she is OK. Why did Wobbles do that? Is he jealous? I feel bad.

On a better note, the stable video of her is cute. Love her chirps and her coloring is exquisitely beautiful. Her breast area with the red.
Amykins, I am so sorry about Bean enduring that awful experience. I am glad she is OK. Why did Wobbles do that? Is he jealous? I feel bad.

On a better note, the stable video of her is cute. Love her chirps and her coloring is exquisitely beautiful. Her breast area with the red.

To be honest, part of me thinks he was trying to mate her. When ducks nip, they usually go for the feet or face, but he latched right onto the skin behind her neck, right between her lil' wing nubs, and didn't twist or anything, but he simply would NOT let go! Poor little Beanie bird. :/

@LauraHope , how are you holding up, dear? I know accidents happen and it's so easy to overly hard on ourselves. My baby Milkshake's death was totally out of my hands, but one month later I'm still beating myself up over it and asking "what if". Like I said above, my mom taught me "shuffle, don't step" after she accidentally stepped on and killed a kitten in her youth. The chicks would always gather by her feet, and she would stand there and cry because she was so worried that it would happen again! So it just goes to show, it can happen to absolutely anybody.

Please be okay, sweets

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