Show off your house ducks!

Shorty is absolutely adorable getting loves from your husband. Your geese are so cute. I am starting to develop an affection for them now after seeing them here and reading about their antics. The middle picture of them piled together is too much.

I love geese, I tried to convince Hils to get a house goose instead but he said no. Can't sat I blame him. :p They can be very gentle and friendly with their humans, but if a stranger crosses their territory, watch out, LOL!
I think my heart just melted...yep. Definitely a big ol' heartpuddle. PLEEEEASE give Weeblez and Wobbleznot some peas or watermelon for me!!
Missy adopted the khaki kids as her own, and sneaks onto the Muscovy nest when Twin 1 is away and practices sitting on eggs.... She wanted Shorty for her own as well, but Shorty is 100% convinced that she is a goose...

Shorty hangs with the big girls...

...and the little ones...

I think Missy has found her niche as the den mother for the babies too small to go outside. I can leave the door open to the yard during the day, and she keeps them all inside and attended to. She won't leave the inner sanctum pen now because of the babies and nests. So despite being a house duck, she has found a job to do that she loves. She's not stuck talking to her siblings through the screen door in the kitchen, and being in an indoor pen keeps her from raiding the cat food instead of eating a healthy, lower protein diet! I really miss her sleeping on my head though.... I'll try to get some shots of her playing house in the nest box....

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