Show off your house ducks!

Feather farmer this wheel chair is a great idea. I to have a disabled duck who cannot hold his balance. He flips on his back all the time. Is there anyway you can post pictures of just the wheel chair so I can see all the chair to see how it was made. Any instructions would be most helpful. Weebles is adoreable. How did she become disabled? Our baby duck I think was injured by his mom in the nest. He had a big scab in his head where I think her toenail went in. He is also crested like your Weebles. Thanks so much.


Thanks! Weeblez is a year old now! She still falls over if she goes too fast. But for the most part she is a lovey dovey duck!
heads to the bathroom to use the dogs water bowl when she wants a drink (and still falls in sometimes-that's why it is in the bathroom). And she bitches at me when she's hungry LOL!
Ok here are my emu diapers from Sammi in live!

Don't worry I am still working on that YouTube video!
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Weeblez was born with a hole in the top of her skull so that fatty tissue can stick out and that's where the crested top feathers grow from!
All Crested ducks have that. But there is always the possibility of the back of the brain not developing correctly because of this natural annomoly! Some ducks have major brain deficets and some have minor problems! Weeblez probably falls closer to minor problems! She understands things that you say to her, she knows how to get her food and water (like I mentioned) it's just she has a hard time with her balance! I call it "tourettes of the feet". She constantly goes up on tippy toes which throws her off balance!
The walker is made out of PVC pipe and joints. Took a lot of trial and error to get it to fit her! You could also make a square frame and hang a hammock in the middle to support the ducks wt.
Weeblez was born with a hole in the top of her skull so that fatty tissue can stick out and that's where the crested top feathers grow from!
All Crested ducks have that. But there is always the possibility of the back of the brain not developing correctly because of this natural annomoly! Some ducks have major brain deficets and some have minor problems! Weeblez probably falls closer to minor problems! She understands things that you say to her, she knows how to get her food and water (like I mentioned) it's just she has a hard time with her balance! I call it "tourettes of the feet". She constantly goes up on tippy toes which throws her off balance!
The walker is made out of PVC pipe and joints. Took a lot of trial and error to get it to fit her! You could also make a square frame and hang a hammock in the middle to support the ducks wt.
I am crying over this now. It is honestly the most wonderful and sweet thing I have ever seen a person do for a precious little duck. Way to go. Not enough ovations can cover this one. Thank you for being so kind. So cool Weeblez can get about without aid the best she can. Awesome!! Tell her to keep up the great work.
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Thanks! Weeblez is a year old now! She still falls over if she goes too fast. But for the most part she is a lovey dovey duck!
heads to the bathroom to use the dogs water bowl when she wants a drink (and still falls in sometimes-that's why it is in the bathroom). And she bitches at me when she's hungry LOL!
That is funny she does that. Glad she has spunk and yells.
I love geese, I tried to convince Hils to get a house goose instead but he said no. Can't sat I blame him. :p They can be very gentle and friendly with their humans, but if a stranger crosses their territory, watch out, LOL!
I do too. And I had to look up the geese she had and love their looks. I have never heard of embden nor pomeranian. They look so squeezable and soft.

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