Show off your Laying Brown/Red Hens

Wow.... GREAT facial expression!! :love :love :lovevery cute :love :love :love :love

Woooooowww fantastic broodies...😍😍😍😍
What breed are they? some time ago i read that laying hens aren't very predisposed to became broody...
so your broodies are a great thing, imo :)

Too cute hens! i love their colurs, really :love:love :love:love:love

Another broody! i'm really happy for you! :love:love:love:love:love
fantastic girls, and yes...they are very friendly :jumpy
Sorry for your losses :hugs:hugs:hugsi lost two hens for EYP... yes reproductive issues are the only lack of these breeds of brown layers. In all the other sides i find them perfect :love

Oh, little tresure! :love:love:love
it's totally welcome...please let us know about its growth with photos :love

First pic is a Rhode Island Red, second pic is a Rhode Island Red x Brahma mix and last pic is a buff Orpington mix. :)
Here's Lucky the Rhode Island Red!

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