Show off your MUTTS !

This is Flash, he's a Silver Spangled Hamburg X White Crested Black Polish.

And this is his brother Twilight. They both have the same Mum and Dad but the differences between them are very obvious.
Twilight seems to have more Polish in him then Hamburg with his small flat hairdo, and Flash has more Hamburg with his rose comb.
They are both quite flighty and love to roam around the yard causing trouble.
We would give them away if they weren't so darn pretty!

Very striking!!

This is Flash, he's a Silver Spangled Hamburg X White Crested Black Polish.

And this is his brother Twilight. They both have the same Mum and Dad but the differences between them are very obvious.
Twilight seems to have more Polish in him then Hamburg with his small flat hairdo, and Flash has more Hamburg with his rose comb.
They are both quite flighty and love to roam around the yard causing trouble.
We would give them away if they weren't so darn pretty!
Wow!! flash is seriously one of the prettiest chickens i have ever seen!!!!!!

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