Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

Nice bird. i got my first red pyle chicks from tractor supply the other day. not real sure if i will like the color. that roo id outstanding. do u plan on dubbing him?[quote name="Eissens" url="/t/311466/show-off-your-old-english-game-bantams/810#post_13041689"] [/quote]
Just got some of these guys the other week. :) New to this whole thing. Planning on showing them for the fair. little county fair. we think they are somewhere between 5-10 weeks of age, but they aren't leggy like you see so many others. maybe they'll get that way, i'm not sure.. Here are some pics. It was hard to get JUST Those birds, because they were in the brooder with others, but now that they are in a bigger pen, I'll try for some better pics when I go home on the 4th of april:

The little buff Cockerel and Blue cockerel on the right are OEGB's, from what I was told. The Blue Pullet in front of the Barred rock is another, and the buff head behind the Black Tailed White Japanese I believe is my last one.

the buff Cockerel, and behind the barred cochin is the pullet. I was told he's a buff and blue splash, but I'm not sure.

The dark blue cockerel, and the head of the Buff cockerel.
The blue cockerel and my Japanese bantam.

I'm just going by what the guy who sold them to me said. He said something about "Old English Bantams" but i'm not sure if there was a difference or not, because I couldn't find any info on just Old English Bantams, I thought maybe he meant Old English Games? I'm new to any bantam owning and showing, so any tips would be appreciated as well! Thanks!
here is a pair of my crelo english game I hatch for egg Jim34120 out of texas I am CAlifornia. Is there specail feed to feed these guys. He lives in the house and is a very good alarm clock if you like to get up early.....

I had a very bad day my americauna hen went broody so i put 3 old english game bantam eggs under her but they were in my incubator so they were a couple days from hatching so 2 of them hatched and the third didnt so i took the 3rd egg and i put here nest on the ground cause her nest was up in the nesting box and it was cold out today with snow and I went out there and she went back to the other nest without her babies so the one died and the other one was about to die so i grabbed the living one and i cuffed my np hands and exhaled to make it warm and I ran inside and put it with my other chicks in the brooder and it was sooo cold but now it's doing good and eating a drinking and playing with the others so im sooo happy i got it. I had 12 eggs and 5 hatched 2 died so now i have 3 and 2 are straight black and the other looks like a a,ericauna but its a normal old english bantam but immmmm soooooo happy that I got it in time and that I got 3 bc i heard that there hard to hatch so im very thankful!

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