Show off your peas!!

Well purple male X blackshoulder hen =blue males split purple and BS, and females all purple split BS.

Hens can't be split to purple,peach,or cameo.

Remember BS is a pattern not a color, and come in many colors. like purple BS.

Yes the one yellow chick is BS, can't see flight feather on 2nd one. note the cream color feathers thats bs.

Ruth yes the mother would be split BS. good odd the BS peacock is the father, but not a sure thing as the other two peacocks could be split to BS like the hen.

The brown chick could be from any of the peacocks also, but look light color to be spalding. will look like a blue.

If white chick no color on the flight feathers, the silver pied and that opal split white could be the parents...i have had other peahen lay in the same nest,

After all this they will look like a blue and a blue BS, maybe one white
Well purple male X blackshoulder hen =blue males split purple and BS, and females all purple split BS.

Hens can't be split to purple,peach,or cameo.

Remember BS is a pattern not a color, and come in many colors. like purple BS.

Yes the one yellow chick is BS, can't see flight feather on 2nd one. note the cream color feathers thats bs.

Ruth yes the mother would be split BS. good odd the BS peacock is the father, but not a sure thing as the other two peacocks could be split to BS like the hen.

The brown chick could be from any of the peacocks also, but look light color to be spalding. will look like a blue.

If white chick no color on the flight feathers, the silver pied and that opal split white could be the parents...i have had other peahen lay in the same nest,

After all this they will look like a blue and a blue BS, maybe one white

You two are amazing. Thanks for the help. I think I understand now but only while I'm looking at it in black and white - don't ask me to verbally explain genetics.

The two yellow chicks are starting to take on different "hues" of yellow - one is slightly darker and has what looks like brown in the wings that are starting to grow. The other is more solid yellow including wings. I'll post pics as they grow like I did with their mamas and daddys.

I just love peafowl and having them running around my farm is a dream come true. Speaking of which, we recently opened our farm and home for tours and some of the locals keep telling me that peafowl are "killers" ("killed my mama's dog", "attacked some kids"...) I've heard all sorts of horror stories and seems all the local plantations that had them got rid of them because they were just too "dangerous" to have roaming around. Of couse everyone who has told me a story didn't own peacocks, just heard about them and are afraid of them. Has anyone, who has free roaming peafowl, run into any such behavior????????? Mine seem to coexist with every animal on the farm including six dogs and three cats and hundreds of chickens, ducks, guinea, etc. etc. Of course they rule the place but in a peaceful, benevolent way.
deerman- are those the silver pied's we picked up? Pretty sure that's the hen but is that our male too?

We have a total of 12 (15 if you count the chicks) now, a adult pair of BS, bronze and silver pied. Then we have another adult peahen that is BS split to bronze and another 5 that are yearlings. Yearlings include a pair of IB split to white, a white peahen, pied male and a purple BS male. oh and I hatched 3 BS peachicks and have more Bronze, BS and siler Pied in the bator. Bless her heart, my bronze girl is STILL laying! Our silver pied male has dropped his train but the BS and Bronze still have theirs (although the Bronze is about to go too).

a few pics...

the IB pair and pied yearlings

BS male

bronze male


bronze peahen

pied yearling


purple BS

Nice looking birds you got, glad you hatch some peachicks.

this should be your male you got, the one in the other pic is silver pied split peach. still have him. Yes think that was the peahen you got.

ah, I see, wasn't sure on him.

OMG! wow, he's sooo I'm very excited for spring, can't wait to see his full train!
He did lose what was left of his tail a couple weeks ago.

I have a spalding opal in there from you still, day 26, been watching it rocking away so hopefully I'll have a few more chicks soon. Might need some help on trying to figure out the father of any of the bronze ones that hatch. I'd love to hope it's the bronze male but most likely the BS. If that is the case then the chicks would be IB split to bronze and balckshoulder, right? As you know, DH is better with the genetics than I. Although he did want me to ask what if it was the silver pied as dad, what's the outcome of a silver pied male x a bronze female?

oh and our bronze boy seems to be doing better, still have him secluded but he has perked up and eating well now. Fingers crossed we are out of the woods with him.
here is my silver pied he is going to be 2 in the spring time
pic 1

pic 2

tash 66 what breed is the peacock he is really preety
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Making a guess to see if I've gotten any better.... I think that is a java green.

And holy wow yes, he is amazing. I wish I lived someplace warmer or had the cash to make a properly heated enclosure for some of those pretty boys.
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Thanks Little blue and Kedreeva.
I just bought my birds few months ago as a pure Java Green. I hope he is Java Green. I love him.
But silver pied
. I wish to have some.
Nice pics Little Blue.

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