Show off your Peas!

Top two peahens are the blackshoulder pattern.  Their color is probably india blue.
Second picture.  One the left is a hen that is in the India Blue color, pied pattern (IB Pied), middle is a peacock in BS pattern, IB color, so if from the hatchery as hens then they are all IB BS.  Then the hen on the right is india blue in color, and barred wing/wild type pattern.  

Ok, so why were they solid yellow at first. They didn't get any color until their feathers came in.The dark ones had some . The ones that were dark from the beginning only got darker when their feathers came in.
All black shoulder peachicks are yellow when first hatched,no matter if they are Bronze b/s,,India Blue b/s, Midnight b/s,Opal b/s,Purple b/s,ect,,,and I have all these colors except Bronze in b/s pattern,plus Black Shoulder Silver pieds so once a week when it's merlot hatch-a-long day,you can see why in my case it's important that each diffrent color of b/s chick,not get mixed with other colored b/s chicks. If your chicks has dark pigment areas once hatched,they are pied.
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Here's Little Yellow (she's the yellow chick!) with her mommy and two IB siblings when she was freshly hatched. Black Shoulder chicks are just yellow when they hatch. I don't think there's a "why."
That's just how they are.

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Here's Little Yellow (she's the yellow chick!) with her mommy and two IB siblings when she was freshly hatched. Black Shoulder chicks are just yellow when they hatch. I don't think there's a "why."
That's just how they are.

How precious
I love babies.

I am not incubating this year
Nope i ain't incubating this year
I am not incubating this year
but i love babies
I do i do

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