Show off your Peas!

Oh wow I never thought about the wings freezing to them. Well that sure would explain why some get stuck up in trees for the winter or why they fall out. Are you going to try and get them to stay in the barn?
I wished they would stay in the barn at night, heck they stay in there all day when it is bad weather, it is a 40 by 100 so they have lots of room in the loft and in the bottom but there is something hardwired in their DNA that tells them to get as high as possible to roost and not have anything around them that could keep them from escaping should a preditor come along.
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From left to right: Alto, Damsel, Smarty (Damsel's son), Peep


Damsel - Peahen back feathers.



Alto - Peacock back feathers.

Peep & Alto under the other shelter. This shelter has a roost higher than the outside roosts yet they would rather sleep outside.

Some other birds that frequent the aviary - The cardinals always know when I feed the peafowl and come flying up waiting to get some food too. We have a great cardinal population around here. Male Cardinal -

Eastern Towhee Male

Brown Thrush - I saved one of these from the aviary netting once, and I wonder if this is the one I saved.

Male cardinal eating.

A few cardinals and a female Eastern Towhee.

Female Cardinal.

I don't know what kind this is, but I like the yellow spots.

Tufted Tit Mouse.

The peafowl were not feeling like eating much today, so there were lots of birds taking advantage of their food...
Beautiful photos
how old is Smarty now? he is beautiful like his Dad
Where in Florida is she and how many peafowl and varieties does she have? I am in Florida too and I like meeting other local peafowl breeders. One of my favorite breeders has a bunch of peafowl and exotic pheasants. Welcome to BYC! :welcome  

My peas don't know how tough other peas have it!!! They puff up and look all miserable in this cold, but from your photos and other people's weather reports, my peas don't have it tough. :rolleyes:  We had some sleet falling today and the peafowl were not sure if they should stay under cover or not.
Beautiful photos
how old is Smarty now? he is beautiful like his Dad
Smarty will be two this year. I feel sorry for him because he always brings up the rear of the group since he is one of the lowest ranking birds, as young males always are. Anyways I always try to throw extra treats his way since the dominant birds hog all the treats. Alto especially hogs treats. He gets really close to me hoping I will mistake him for Peep and feed him a lot, which sometimes works if I don't look carefully enough.

Minx she lives in North Port and has ten. She's moving to Tennessee soon so as many as possible are coming north to my farm!!!
I am not sure if I know where North Port is. I asked my dad and he can only think of North Port Alabama. I hope the move goes well.

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