Show off your Peas!

I'm going to get those and I bought some more safe guard to worm them right as I get them. You can buy those at pet co right or at least the fish zole?
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I'm going to get those and I bought some more safe guard to worm them right as I get them. You can buy those at pet co right or at least the fish zole?

The stuff that Petsmart and Petco have is a powder that also has Praziquantil in it. I would not recommend trying to dose chicks with it. Your best bet would be to get Fish-Zole online. I'll send you some links.



Not great pics but you can see color coming in!
Well when he was younger he acted all fine with them, then one day i was in the brooder and he did not see me i guess cause he snached up a duckling while he was trotting by it, never missed a lick, i hollerd at him and fussed him into shame and never again did he ever touch another bird, instead he watches out for them and responds to their warning calls.

He is supper smart and I can't just put him in a kenel and walk away, he will be standing by my side before i make my next stop, i have a cover on my kennel and there is a 4 inch gape between the canapy cover and the pen wall and he climbed the chain ling fence that was covered in chicken wire and squezzed right threw that gap.
If you ever get anymore dog-coyote mixed puppies my dad and I would be interested in at least one. My family loves dogs we have always had them and we love wild canines too. We have lots of land for a special dog like that to run around on and we could maybe even turn a smart dog like that into a coon dog or a squirrel dog. We have our little malti-poo house dog in the makings of being a squirrel dog.

It seems instead of just possibly getting 3 new members I might move up to 5 or 6 don't know yet. I can't wait to see what they will look like.
Congrats! Time to start building more pens and thinking about how you want your pen setup. What is your peafowl business name going to be? Logo? etc.
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There will not be any more pups, this was an accident she was scheduled to be fixed and my DH ended up in the hospital for 19 or 21 days can't remember it was such a blur in my life anyhow she was in season by time I got DH back home, i don't do puppy breeding it is much cheaper to just purchase a pup from reputable lines and when it comes to dogs i would worry about how they were treated by their family, dogs are my most favorite animal, if i ever had to choose just one animal to have it would be a dog.

A horse would be my second
Okay I sorta figured you had her fixed, but I just wanted to let you know incase you got more puppies so you won't have to put them down. Any time a dog gets lose they come to our house. There is a very old Brittany Spaniel dog that lives down the road. He visits our yard just about every day and we always give him something to eat. He is mostly blind now and probably can't hear that well. I remember when he was younger and would always play with me when he visited. It is sad seeing dogs get old.

I agree my top favorite animal is the wolf but I should say canines in general, then peafowl, then horses. I used to want a horse for a looong time. Now I realize how much responsibility and cost one would be and I am not so sure. I think I will just enjoy other people's horses. Also we have a friend who was partially paralyzed from a horse bucking him off. I would be worried having a horse could be too dangerous.

Peafowl were always a favorite of mine ever since I was a little girl. My Grandma said that when I was little and I went to the zoo all I could talk about was the peafowl that I saw there.

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