Show off your Peas!

Pretty boy glad he made it safe and sound
You better hurry, KS, might home are mating already! :rolleyes:

Love the pics guys of all of them!

I don't have a broody to put my eggs under! I thought about little Gimpy cuz I can keep her in the house but Answer was all snuggled up with her. I think she comforts him a lot since he twisted that leg. She limps and is partially blind but there sure is some love there. Gimpy is the bantam brahma that hatched the boy peas Question and Answer. Question is going to be interesting as he gets older, his tail is showing signs of being a lot lighter than normal so his parentage will be clearer as he ages.
A few pictures from my phone...still don't have a computer to download pictures from my good camera:( My babies are getting big! My peacock was sure displaying for then today.
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