Show off your Peas!

I wish I had that many with that much variety for peachicks. All I have is 3 peachicks with a 4th one on the way. Out of 8 eggs so far 4 eggs hatched hopefully a 5th soon. Then I have about 1-2 weeks and then my peahen will have peachicks herself. Maybe some day when I have my own place I can have that many and that much variety. I will send a picture of the 3 peachicks in a little bit. One of them I'm thinking is male since he fans up a lot and tries to fly. The peachick that hatched with it looks almost identical so I think I have 2 males. The new peachick is darker in the wing for right now so I'm thinking hen but not guarantee.

I have to tell you that be sure you are financially ready when that time comes. I have in the neighborhood of 75 birds above the age of one year and they consume roughly $100 of feed per week. If it were not for the chicks offsetting the expenses I would not be able to keep the one I do. So far this year I have sold around 25 chicks and a couple doz of eggs. Now with the ban I am going to have to adapt my stragity on how to make ends meet. Caring for a hundred chicks until the ban is lifted is going to hurt. Not buying any new birds is the easy part although 'so many colors' keeps me wanting more. At least I have some pretties to watch feather.
Amazing how quickly they grow! I've never weighed my chicken chicks as they've grown and this being a single chick it's made it easier. Last week's pic taken on 6/15 then today 6/21. It will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday.


60g weight gain in 6 days! ;)
I have to tell you that be sure you are financially ready when that time comes. I have in the neighborhood of 75 birds above the age of one year and they consume roughly $100 of feed per week. If it were not for the chicks offsetting the expenses I would not be able to keep the one I do. So far this year I have sold around 25 chicks and a couple doz of eggs. Now with the ban I am going to have to adapt my stragity on how to make ends meet. Caring for a hundred chicks until the ban is lifted is going to hurt. Not buying any new birds is the easy part although 'so many colors' keeps me wanting more. At least I have some pretties to watch feather.
That's a lot of birds. My 5 peafowl go through $16.96 a month.

I hope to be a Veterinarian so it will take me a while before I get back into the bird business again. Sadly when I go to college depending on where I go I might have to sell my birds by the Spring of 2016 or Spring of 2018. If I stay home and get my base credits I get 2 extra years with my birds. If I leave to the college I hope to go to for vet school right of way I will have to sell them by spring of next year since I will be graduating.
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Okay what's the best way to trap stray peas? Just got a phone call from a concerned friend that has two peacocks ( unknown age or sex, she's not a bird person ) that have been living in her backyard for a few days. She said they're sleeping in the pines at night.

Would a covered dog kennel ( easy to put up and take down ) and some black oil sunflowers work? If I can catch them I hope to find their owner.
Okay what's the best way to trap stray peas? Just got a phone call from a concerned friend that has two peacocks ( unknown age or sex, she's not a bird person ) that have been living in her backyard for a few days. She said they're sleeping in the pines at night.

Would a covered dog kennel ( easy to put up and take down ) and some black oil sunflowers work? If I can catch them I hope to find their owner.

So long as it's sturdy has a top and strong it should be able to hold peafowl. I would say dog food works too, I've heard lots of people talking about peafowl getting in their dog or dry cat food.

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