Show off your Peas!

Good photos @Birdrain92! I might suggest you edit the comments to show the age of the birds. It can be tough to catch that ridge on the hens, and a comment on the coloring of the other hen might help too. Thanks for sharing!
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Just though this could be helpful for some people to be able to sex White peafowl. White peahen, 1 year almost 2 years old.
White peacock, 1 year almost 2 years old. Indian Blue peahen, 5 years old
Indian Blue peacock, 5 years old.
Super educational and beautiful healthy birds! Good job and thank you. Gerald Barker
I bought a new White peahen from a local breeder yesterday. I named her Elsa. Based on her compared to my other hens she looks like she's 2, maybe 3 years old. I'm going to be getting more White peachicks.

She went to the right home, lucky girl.

Gerald Barker
Thank you!

She is a looker! Nice bird. I decided to sell my Whites, with all the SP, Pied, and WE in my birds I get plenty of White chicks. I still have five hens and one cock to get rid of.

Thank you! I can't wait to get white peachicks. I'm not sure how well they will sell though. In my area very few people know of the existence of White peafowl, fewer have seen one, and even fewer own one, and fewer have a breeding pair or more. Now you know the struggle of finding White peafowl in Idaho. I would imagine there being a market but I just don't know how it will act. You have even more Whites then I'll have for now.

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