Show off your Peas!

Any idea what color or pattern it would be? For male female and 3 chicks ?
White eyes ... also has white wing tips?
No white bib ...!
What do we know about the history of Charcoal? where is he from ?
Those are two different birds. The Bronze BSWE is from Craig Hopkins and the white throat patch is over rated and means next to nothing, it can show a white gene but I have seen many birds that carry a white gene that show no white feathers at all.
Any idea what the chicks are? Both the parents are silverpieds, not sure about females color tho(any suggestion on her color?) , they hatched three chicks 4 weeks ago, any way to know their sex and pattern ?
They are all Silver Pieds. These are the same ones you asked about before, aren't they? The chick standing next to the hen in the fourth pic is a cock, the one in the middle appears to be a hen and I can't see the third. You don't normally get all SP out of SP parents.
They are all Silver Pieds. These are the same ones you asked about before, aren't they? The chick standing next to the hen in the fourth pic is a cock, the one in the middle appears to be a hen and I can't see the third. You don't normally get all SP out of SP parents.
Thank you

And Yes they are, I just uploaded the better quality pics. As I didn’t know what the chicks are and wasn’t sure about the hens color either.

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