Show off your roosters

This is king George
We got this O Shamo a wile ago would love to know wat everybody thinks??? He is in a pen with 2 hens at this moment cant wait to get our first little guys..

Yes there are many different types eg.
[COLOR=003333]Tuzo or Nankin-Shamo[/COLOR]
[COLOR=003333]O shamo[/COLOR]
Which is the tallest
Which is the tallest

I may be wrong but I believe the tallest of the Shamo's is the O Shamo and I have read about people saying that they have had birds that can get close to 3 feet tall....Not to sure if that is true please don't hold me to that one..
I may be wrong but I believe the tallest of the Shamo's is the O Shamo and I have read about people saying that they have had birds that can get close to 3 feet tall....Not to sure if that is true please don't hold me to that one..
what about Malay
what about Malay
Once again please don't hold me 2 this but I have heard of Cocks getting over 3ft tall... this however depends on the blood line I believe they get taller than O Shamo's but may be smaller than the Mythical Indeo Gigante..

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