Show off your roosters


Our blue Ameraucana cockerel. He's come through that horny teenager stage beautifully and is quite the confident flock protector while still being very respectful of the kids. I'm in love with him...
Here's one of our Roos we have three all some kind of game roosters. He's about 9 months old his name is Dixie all the chicks we got were supposed to be females hence the girly name:p...

Sorry it's not a great pic I'll have to get some better ones.
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Our blue Ameraucana cockerel. He's come through that horny teenager stage beautifully and is quite the confident flock protector while still being very respectful of the kids. I'm in love with him...

I hope I can get one that looks a little bit like him when my Blue Orpington roo crosses with my Ameraucana hen. I know it'll be an EEer but that would still be ok with me.
I love my boys!!! <3

Carl, the blue-laced red wyandotte

Carl again

Deacon, who I think is an Isbar?

Deacon and some ladies (Brienne, Mocha, and Arya from left to right)

Wesley, the olive egger

Wesley again​

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