Show off your roosts!


11 Years
Apr 24, 2008
Detroit Michigan
Since we have a post about showing off your creative and unique nesting boxes, why not have one for showing off your roosts!

Do you have a unique way of cleaning your roost? or how about a nice pull out shelf?? (which is what I'm hoping on making and need ideas haha)

Show off your cute, creative, functional roost!
Well mine isn't that funky since i only have two chickens, they dont need that much roost space.
Here it is.
With Frisky my black silkie hen on it, right before dusk.

I posted a similar thread last night and have had no takers. Maybe your thread title will generate more interest! I just adopted a flock from BYC member, Ma, who had to rehome them due to the flooding here in Iowa. I am new to chickens, but already loving them. I think I could sit in the barn with them all day if I didn't have two little girls to take care of - lol! Anyway, here is what I have so far. I'm looking for inspiration to make something more permanent/better.

Most of them are roosting where there is no dropping board.
Those are chicken saddles. Apparently the rooster is a very active fellow and this protects the ladies from getting torn up.
BTW - you can do a search on saddles and read all about them
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I am fine with the roost - just trying to figure out best way to catch the poo! Maybe a pit under the ladder with mesh on top so it catches no matter which rung they roost on??

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