Show Quality Cream Brabanters

Good luck finding any! Almost everyone has birds that originated from Ideal -- even the few breeders around the country.

If you do find any really good ones, lots of us here would be interested!
That's really interesting. Why? I wonder where Ideal dug them up from....

Hmmm, I might have to get into them just to try and make some good ones... I think they would be gorgeous if bred right, I love the color combination.
Since they are not a breed that's admitted to the ASOP there really wouldn't be any such thing as a "Show Quality" example of this breed.
They are, I believe in the British &/or German Standard but those standards aren't valid for shows here.
I believe Randall Burkey has some--maybe just hatchery quality but they're not from Ideal...
Somebody's gotta get out there and show them before they can be admitted. So get busy!
I agree even I dont show but maybe those 4Hers would! I know one of my roo did win his conti. class. But he was scored less because of the pullet's hairdo which it was more of Polish top hat rather than the true Spitz hat.
The cream Brabanter is not a recognized color overseas.

It was probably bred with another breed here and it produced the cream. There are also breeders who keep the cream and gold in the same pen, so it dilutes the color even more.

Randall Burkey is not a hatchery, and I bet they get their birds from Ideal. They are very nice people if you want to call and ask them.

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