Showgirl Questions

You are eligible for BV and RV. The entry forms I have filled out have had a column for variety, breed, gender (cockerel, cock, pullet, hen)

When I have entered my showgirls this is how I answer for a white cockerel:
Breed: Silkie (I do not put bearded or non bearded because, in those with the NN gene causing lack of feathers under the chin, they could carry bearded or non-bearded)...
Variety: AOV White Showgirl
Gender: K
I just want to say I am the very proud, glowing with excitement, owner of the showgirl pictured on page 2.
I plan to go to Nationals in Shawnee this year and if all goes well may just enter him there to see what he does as well as for the experience of showing. (Go big or go home right) He is perfect in my eyes! I woud like to see them acknowledged at some point and if more of us don't show how will we ever accomplish that? I would also like to add Jen is a wonderful person to deal with and has been very patient with all my questions, and concerns. You could not ask for a better, more knowledgeable, or sweet person to deal with. I love her!
You can't go wrong with her. Thank you so very much Jen! Can't wait till Wednesday at 5:30. 6 days and counting!
And where someone ask earlier on this thread "who has the best showgirls?" Simple.... Jen does in my opinion, but she was to humble to mention herself.
I don't have the best showgirls. I was lucky enough to start off with some good stock, I also have some whites that aren't my stock but were hatched from eggs given to me by Sheryl Butler. When going to visit my brother I stop by her place (several hours away) and spend time with her, talking with her, helping her, etc. She has a nice white silkie cockerel on loan from me and she has given me eggs and I have purchased birds from her. Thank you for the praise though, but remember I am still wet behind the ears. I have attended six APA shows, but have only shown in four. I am attending my fifth in Caldwell, ID at the beginning of November. I read a lot, ask many questions, clerk for judges when I can, and get many critiques.

I am very lucky that I have met some truly wonderful exhibitors out here, and we exchange notes, stock, and stories.

Letisha, make sure that he has time to recover from his trip. If you do show him, be aware that he is still young. Silkie/showgirl boys take time to fill out. If he were my bird, if he was recovered from shipping, I would show him just for the experience. My first show was just for experience and it was wonderful. Eric Kutch was there, and I had him look over a couple of my birds in a free moment as well.

Again, I am not an expert but I will answer your questions to the best of my ability based on my experience. If I don't feel like I know something I will ask.

Another great resource is the American Silkie Breed Club. I highly recommend joining.
Jen of the showgirls I have looked at for myself, yours are some of the best I have been offered to purchase. You have seen more than I, so I will take your word that there are better available. As far as I am concerned I hit the jackpot, for what I desire in a showgirl, when you offered me the blue cockerel.

You are absoutely right about the time to recover from his trip, when we first started talking about my purchase of this showgirl I did not know then, that it would only be a little over a mth from when I actually received him till the Nationals. When you mentioned that I looked at the acutal time frame and that most likely is pushing it. I have a freind going and entering him was brought up in a conversation. So I did jump the boat there. I will watch him and see how well he is adjusting here before making any decision on that. There is always next year right!
I will look into joining the American Silkie Bantam club I did however, recently joined the American Bantam Association.
Oh, well, if it is over a month he should be just fine! If you want to enter him, you can. When does the entry close? You can always wait until right before the deadline ot make a final decision.

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