Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

I just figured out I have showgirls....not Turken/NN. I had originally posted over in the Turken thread as I didn't realize that these silkie/turken crosses were called showgirls.

I think of the younger two, one is partridge and one is Blue/black....but the older one I'm not sure.Would anyone care to take a guess ?

I am also wondering gender... they are...

What does everyone think? Good/Bad quality? Boys/Girls/colors??

Thanks for looking!
Cute babies! I think the first one looks more like a Splash to me. The second pic are a Blue on the left, and what looks to be a Blue Partridge on the right. At that age, I wouldn't bet the farm on the sex yet, but they do look like probable pullets to me too.
I also have some( December 2011) cockerels that need new homes Here are the pics. both have nice foot feathering, and have five toes. The clean necked one has better toe spacing, but his crest is smaller. They both still have a lot of filling out to do...

Nice looking boys, sure wish I was closer! The Post Office hasn't been doing a bang-up job out here these days, and with the cost of shipping these guys, I would hate to see them show up here dead! My Priority parcels coming here used to take 2-3 days, now they take 4-6! Express mail is also taking longer too, I don't think they even guarantee over night delivery any more. Higher prices, poorer service...typical of everything these days.
If you were willing/able to ship to Virginia, I'd take that naked neck boy in a heartbeat. What a handsome dude!
Nice Showgirls, sorry to here about the rooster attacking your daughter hope shes OK. Must have been a mean one. years back I had one that jump me was very beautiful bird but had to get rid of him.. I haven't had any like that since.

Hello All! :) I'm glad I found this thread! I'm wanting to get some feedback on my showgirls...I prefer completely naked neck but until i get a completely naked neck rooster it's not going to happen lol. We had to get rid of our original NN roo because he attacked my daughter and nailed her right in the face...he left the next day. Here's some pictures of my NN's...

One of three new babies I bought this weekend. A blue showgirl. I just love these chickens!

Are the "shredded" wing feathers normal or a fault? Some appear to have barbels like smooth feathers.

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Nice Showgirls, sorry to here about the rooster attacking your daughter hope shes OK. Must have been a mean one. years back I had one that jump me was very beautiful bird but had to get rid of him.. I haven't had any like that since.

you send your Nn to many jenn there lovely birds to inprove you have add silkies

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