Showgirl X Standard Hen = (Calling Sonoran Silkies for genetics Q. :D

If you breed a showgirl silkie rooster to a stand hen, you should get a percentage of showgirls from that breeding. By standard hen do you mean a standard silkie or just in general a standard slick feathered breed? If it's a slick feathered breed I think 100% of the first generation will be slick feathered but carrry a silkie gene.

If you breed Showgirl x Silkie, you get much better looking offspring. The showgirls obtain alot more feathering and are not so naked.
I mean to a barred rock or new Hampshire. What are the chances o passing on the naked neck gene? I know silkie x showgirls make really pretty babies, but I don't own any silkies so I was just wondering what would happen if my showgirl roo mated with my LF non-silkie feathered flock. Is he able to pass on the naked neck thing? I know nothing of genetics. Less curious about the feathering and more curious about passing on the naked neck to my LF offspring, especially since my showgirl roo is very red skinned, making him a terrible candidate to try an make bearded bowtied showgirls with...
I'm thinking I might need Sonoran on this one. Based on a non-sexed linked gene, my punnett square comes out that 100% of the first generation will carry a recessive gene but not show the trait. However, on the second generation I am showing 25% non-naked necks 50% carriers and 25% Naked Necks.

It would make a big difference whether it is sexed linked gene and I am thinking it is a sex linked gene. If that were the case I think 25% of the first generation offspring would be naked necks.

You might want to change your title asking Sonoran for help on this one. I just finished Principles of Biology and I still have tons to learn!
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Ok, Just my opinion based on my understanding of genetics....the Showgirls that YOU have should produce NN chickens.
They have two genes for NN not just one. You can tell by the very naked neck with no neck feathers.
Don't swear by that but I sure think that's right.
Can't resist showing you my Showgirl roo, he came from Elite Silkies and he is quite a ShowMAN

thanks a ton. I dont want to breed my roo to the other showgirls, so i was thinking if he could produce turkens that might be really fun. I have a feeling that his offspring is gonna be REALLLLLLYYYY ugly. cant wait to try it though!

i love your showgirl, and whatta name! hes so handsome, thanks for sharing

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