Showing chickens

that was possibly the most informational thing i have ever read. kudos to you.. i am TOTALY trying this. thanks
Well I would need to see pictures. But for buff orpingtons don't let them get too much direct sunlight, or they're feathers will become faded and they get a more mottled look. How old are they, do you have any pictures of them?

You can also put oil or the Blue Ribbon Rx Remedy on they're combs and wattles to make them redder, and to bath them you can use Blue Ribbon Show Shampoo. I also recommend the books Exhibiting Poultry For Pleasure And Profit, and Standard Of Perfection. I have both and they are so helpful. You can get all of that at murray mcmurray.



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ahhh. i forgot to ask anothe question.. she had lice a long time ago.. i killed it off with sevin ande havent seen the little bugs since.. but she still has those stupid clusters on the base of some feathers. how the heck do u get those off... besides waiting for a molt.
sry for all the poasts
I've never used Joy, but I've heard it does make their feathers brittle. I've also never used plamolive. I use the blue ribbon show shampoo, but if i'm out of that I use Cheer or Ivory. You don't put the vinager in the shampoo. You put the vinagar in a tub of water, about 1/4 per gallon. The vinager cuts the soap and helps rinse it. So you need 3 tubs. The #1 tub is used for the bath while the #2 and the #3 tubs are used for rinsing. Put about ¼ cup vinegar for every gallon of water in the #2 tub add about 1 tablespoon of hair conditioner for every gallon of water in the #3 tub.
Are they white clusters as the base of the feather? I think those are mite or lice eggs. I use poultry protecter on my birds, spray under their wings and near the vent. This helps with lice, mites, and all those other parasites. You can also dust them with poultry and garden dust.

Does it look like this?

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