Showing chickens

i have the casteel soap. its like this yellow soap bar. i have the 3 tubs.. and i have tresime conditioner.

im going for it now
yeah.. thats what i mean. sry . the eggs are the white clusters. they are still present. the lice is like liiiitttlle tinnny yellowish bugs.. they are gone cuz i killed them.. but the clusters still remain. which are the eggs.. the eggs are dead. but they are still attached to the shaft. i just finneshed her bath.. following the steps u gave me. it worked well. she loved having her feet pollished with olive oil. i put her in the "show cage" in the garage to keep warm so she can dry.. with fresh shavings. shes still dirty a bit cuz i couldent get all of her.. but i figure if i keep her away from dirt and stuff... and continue this regimined once a week or once every 2 weeks she will be sparkly clean! after her bath the cluster things were a liittlleee easer to get off.. i rubbede them with olive oil and some of them broke apart and came off... so shes looking better
thank you soo much for all the help
can you tell anything by the pic i took of her? thanks
I get mine at murray mcmurray, I think I put links to them on the other page.

here they are




Do you know the show/fair your entering already? Normally when you bath the bird it's 1-2 before the show. But it sounds like you did a good job. The picture of her i georgous, although I would need to see one of her body. But she does have a nice bright red comb and wattles. I did just look in my APA book though it it says that they are only suppose to have 5 points on their comb, it's not a disqualifacation, just thought I should let you know. Also what color are shanks, feet, beak, and skin?
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her feet are like a pale color.. not yellow at all. beak is in the pic.. same color as feet kinda. shanks are white? idk. yeah she has 6 points nstead of 5.. dang. im not going for 1st place anyway.. lol
i think her skin is the white ish. idk. where do you get an APA book?:
Okay good, they're feet, shanks, beak, and skin aren't suppose to be yellow, but like you describe. You can get an APA, softcover or hardcover from Murray McMurray. If you have any other questions let me know!

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