Sick Americauna, please help!

She passed last night comfortably in her sleep. Still don't know what was wrong, but thanks to all for the help.
Sorry for your loss.
I have a four-year-old Americana who isn't feeling well. So far this year she is the only one of my girls that hasn't laid an egg which made me think that she was possibly egg bound. I gave her a warm bath and apply Vaseline but still several days later she is still not acting like herself. She is eating and drinking a little but she pretty much just sits in the laundry basket that I have her in and she's been calm enough to let me pet her when that's not something she usually likes. I've tried to put some electrolytes and vitamins in her water and have given her some Greek yogurt for calcium. She is also pooping what looks mostly like grass. Does anyone have any idea of what else this might be or any more tips? I thank you all in advance!
Have you recently introduced any new birds into your flock? I had a beautiful grey ameracauna/EE that was roughly a year old. When i purchased a few new birds (australorp)to the flock, she developed the same symptoms. She died about a week later. Turns out that the new birds had brought in coccidiosis, and killed off about half my flock (including my new austr. Roo) before finally reaching a halt. It took some very strong medicine that the vet recommended, before we could finally stop it. I regret forgetting the name of the meds, and I'm sorry I couldn't help sooner. I hope this will be able to help somebody else though.

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