Sick Barred Rock Hen - Suggestions Please


7 Years
May 8, 2012

This is my Barred Rock Lilly's bum. I just gave her a warm soak so her feathers are wet. I have regularly trimmed her bum as she is one of those birds who tend to get their poop stuck in their feathers. She has a very pink swollen area however it does not seem to be liquid. She would not get down off of the roost today but was "talking" to me. I picked her up and she had a bit of the shakes. There was also a runny poo under where she roosts. No worms were noted in the poop. Her skin has always been clear of lice/mites and this was confirmed again when she I gave her the bath. Her barred rock sister from the same hatch prolapsed on her first egg and we had to cull her. I'm hoping that she doesn't have the same issue. Any ideas as to what might be wrong? Feedback in very much appreciated!
Hi. Thanks for responding. No, not that I noticed. She seems to feel a bit better after her warm soak. I'm concerned because of the color and swelling. I'm wondering if I should just start her on some antibiotics or worm her "just in case"
Hi. Thanks for responding. No, not that I noticed. She seems to feel a bit better after her warm soak. I'm concerned because of the color and swelling. I'm wondering if I should just start her on some antibiotics or worm her "just in case"
Well it definitely will not hurt!

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