Sick Barred Rock please help!!!!

I'm finding a little more green poop. I know one of my Silkies is doing it but I think there's another. It's a little watery again. Not solid like it was yesterday. Dodo isn't as energetic as she was yesterday so I'm worrying a little. She did stick her head out of the fence for grass but she didn't get any. I'm going to watch her today and see how she acts in hopes that she'll perk up. My others are doing just fine, even the Silkie producing green poo. The Silkie is still a little lethargic but not like Dodo. If the green poop doesn't stop should I continue with the 2 teaspoons until I stop finding it or should I just go down to the 1/2 teaspoon anyway.
And I was wanting to worm them as well. I've wormed my new birds but not any of the ones that've been sick. If I get Safeguard should I go ahead and worm them? I might have to get something cheaper like Rooster Booster.
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So my local TCS didn't have Safeguard goat wormer or Rooster Booster so I had to get DuMor goat wormer pellets. Will that work? It says to give 1 ounce per 12.2 pounds of body weight. So I'm not sure how to give it to them if it'll work.
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Take it back and get safeguard (fenbendazole) horse paste. Goat pellets are too difficult to use.
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Ok. I wasn't sure what to get. They didn't have much of anything.
They should have the horse paste, but don't get just and horse paste, get one that says the active ingredient is fenbendazole. Safeguard and Panacur are fenbendazole and I think I saw a generic tube someplace, which is why I mentioned it.

They have Safeguard Equine dewormer 25g (fenbendazole) paste for 9.99. I'm going to go in a few minutes to get it if that'll work. I'm not going to bother ordering the liquid if the paste will do. How would I give it to them?

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