Sick Chicken need help

Yes she will eat anything I give her. Yogurt. Water with electrolytes. Her feed. She will drink and eat on her own I make sure she drinks for me out of a bowl also. She is going on a week like this. A bit better then she is crappy looking again. Comb is still bright red she is getting out of the coop and outside on her own. She won’t go up to roost tho. I did feel her underside near her back end does feel a bit hard. But if she was egg bound wouldn’t she have died by now she had watery stool then white stool and now green
Ok I will do that. I got to thinking I just got back home after 8 months being gone. My daughters fed and watered my chicken. But they did not give her dried meal worms. When I got home 3 weeks ago I bought her a bag and she ate a lot the last two weeks could this have anything to do with this? Also we have her a few slugs and worms we found cleaning up
She fits all of the symptoms of a reproductive disorder if you read some of the articles provided. They can have a variety of symptoms, that can vary, come and go. It is very common in hens, and when you see a hen with her upright position, it is pretty obvious. You cannot know exactly what was going on until you look at her abdominal organs after she dies. Her not getting her meal worms doens’t have anything to do with her symptoms. They may feel better on some days, and poorly on other days. There are a lot of articles and pictures about these symptoms if you look here and click on the pictures:
Ok I will look. I was thinking the meal worms made her sick. All I can think of since she has been fine .
I gave her a epsom salt bath yesterday afternoon. Now this afternoon she is sitting a in the box I made her with bedding and I can see some blood on the bedding. I have not seen blood this is the first time. I looked and her butt looks black and I can see some blood.she is still eating and drinking well. I don’t know what to do
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