Sick Chicken possibly cocci or worms?

she just passed this huge green fibrous thing, she may have had an intestinal blockage from this, it was huge
She' been eating and drinking non stop, I think rhats why she had so much yellow liquid poo, she probably was a bad chicken and loaded up on grass , then wasnt feeling well and stopped drinking, it was a basically a bunch of grass, poor chicken
Well she ended up passing away last night. She seemed to be doing better after giving her a few days worth of corid and safeguard. Im leaning toward the issue having been possibly a kidney or liver failure... my concern now is we only have 1 other chicken, will she be okay for a few months till we are able to get more pullets or should we give her to another local chicken owner.
Well she ended up passing away last night. She seemed to be doing better after giving her a few days worth of corid and safeguard. Im leaning toward the issue having been possibly a kidney or liver failure... my concern now is we only have 1 other chicken, will she be okay for a few months till we are able to get more pullets or should we give her to another local chicken owner.
She might like an unbreakable mirror and/or a stuffed animal to keep her company.

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