Sick chicken wheezing and coughing please ANY advice


In the Brooder
Jun 23, 2017
I just got two rhode island red chickens and one of the chickens sounds really sick. I am new at chickens so i dont know much but she is wheezing a lot. i can hear her through the coop and she had a little white spot under one of her eyes. she would also cough or sneeze a lot. when she breathes it sounds like she is drowning in mucus. we called the place we adopted her from and they said wait a few days or get sulmet but everywhere online is sold out and they dont carry it.
get VetRx. Rub it on face (comb, wattles, and skin on face), give orally, rub under wings, or use in a vaporizer in the coop for one to two hours. You can give the chick crushed hard boiled egg with dried or fresh oregano and any other chicks or chickens you have to promote respritory health.
get VetRx. Rub it on face (comb, wattles, and skin on face), give orally, rub under wings, or use in a vaporizer in the coop for one to two hours. You can give the chick crushed hard boiled egg with dried or fresh oregano and any other chicks or chickens you have to promote respritory health.

Thank you so much! I will start all of this tomorrow.
If they are additions to an existing flock, I'd remove them both from your property asap. Even if they are your only birds, I personally would still get rid of them (return to wherever you got them from or destroy them). There are a number of causes of respiratory problems. If it turns out to be viral, then this will spread to the whole flock and they will be carriers for life - not a situation any chicken keepers wants to face. The symptoms will flare up occasionally and you will have to keep a closed flock.

If you are inclined, take them to a vet with experience in treating chickens and get a diagnosis, so you know what you are dealing with and can then make a decision. As mentioned, I'd remove them immediately from my property. I've had experience of dealing with viral respiratory issues, so I realise that my advice may seem a little extreme.

Here's a link that you may find interesting, pending additional / alternative advice -

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