Sick chicken


Sep 25, 2018
Went to let my girls out this am, found one just clinging to the roost bar, I pulled her off and set her down she was unable to stand. I immediately brought her in, we felt an egg, assumed she was egg bound and gave her a warm Epsom salt soak. She passed the whole egg but didn’t really recover. She was very lethargic, closing her eyes, not holding her head up. I gave her a heating pad, some towels, electrolyte water and put her in the bathroom. This afternoon she has perked up considerably but seems to be very weak, she makes attempts to stand and then sits back down. I was looking at her vent, it looks normal, then I found some poop under her. It was weird looking, dark green with some yellow. She was literally perfect yesterday- laid first thing like always, was wandering around like always eating, drinking. They get layer pellets and oyster shell and treats only occasionally. Any ideas on how to procede next?


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She seems to be recovered, I did water with electrolytes in a dropper and a heating pad on and off throughout the day and night. It took her quite a bit of time but as of yesterday she was walking on her own again and eating. I took her to a vet for a quick checkup and he said she was fine. Thanks for asking :) she’s back to eating normally and doing her chicken stuff. Hasn’t laid today, not concerned really about getting an egg I just don’t want her to bind again. I hope she takes a short break
She seems to be recovered, I did water with electrolytes in a dropper and a heating pad on and off throughout the day and night. It took her quite a bit of time but as of yesterday she was walking on her own again and eating. I took her to a vet for a quick checkup and he said she was fine. Thanks for asking :) she’s back to eating normally and doing her chicken stuff. Hasn’t laid today, not concerned really about getting an egg I just don’t want her to bind again. I hope she takes a short break
Good to hear she is doing well. Sometimes it takes a little time for them to recoup after a hard Egg Binding. Eggs may be absent for a little while since she was sick. Chickens will normally go off laying if they are or were sick. Is she a Rhode Island Red by chance?
Good to hear she is doing well. Sometimes it takes a little time for them to recoup after a hard Egg Binding. Eggs may be absent for a little while since she was sick. Chickens will normally go off laying if they are or were sick. Is she a Rhode Island Red by chance?
She’s a cross between the Rhode Island Red and white leghorn
I’m so sorry!! I was very hopeful when she passed the egg, but then she just seemed to get very sick. I wasn’t sure she’d make it through the night.

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