sick chicken


7 Years
Jun 11, 2013

My chicken is walking like a penguin and her bottom looks so sore! I've given her baths, given her mineral oil around the vent and up into the vent. My husband couldn't feel and egg, but when she's standing up it looks as if she has one imbedded. She's now facing the wall, any wall, the other chickens aren't picking on her, so I'm not sure what this new behavior implies. I'm at my wits end, and I'm about ready to call the vet. Any thoughts? Thank you! Kathy
I took my chicken to the vet, we named her May since all patients have a name, and she had a tumor!!! Who knew! I've been treating it as if she was eggbound. I felt horrible for putting her through additional pain. Every Friday I'd give the girls their favorite "party mix" and when I buried her I added some of that as well. Now she'll party all she wants. So sad.

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