Sick chicken!


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
Hi All

I am relatively new to chicken keeping + have a sick bird for the first time. The main symptom which I cant seem to find described is that a considerable amount of a clear yellowy liquid pours from its throat when I pick it up. It is also very lethargic, not eating + losing weight, + seems to have a swollent crop/throat - any suggestions?

Aloha. Get thee to a feed store pronto and purchase tetracycline hydrochloride. It is specific for the indication of mycoplasma gallisepticum and a wide range of respiratory diseases. It is inexpensive. It is a soluble powder. A little goes a long way. You must make a fresh batch every 24 hours. You can replace the drinking water with this solution, but at this point I would also use a dropper and gently get a little down its throat, a dropper or so every hour until it starts showing improvement. It sounds pretty sick. Good luck. This may not turn out very positive but you will be much better informed and knowledgeable when this comes up again.

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