Sick Chicken


5 Years
Feb 19, 2014
Hello All,
Looking for some help or advice on a sick chicken.
She has a very pale comb and she is very lethargic, not moving around much and no appetite. Can you give me some advice as to what might be wrong. Not sure if it is serious or if just a little cold that could pass by. She is just sitting in the corner of the coop and not acting normal at all. Very worried and not sure what to do or look for.
Please Help!!
Concerned Chicken Mama!
Thank you
Hello All,
Looking for some help or advice on a sick chicken.
She has a very pale comb and she is very lethargic, not moving around much and no appetite. Can you give me some advice as to what might be wrong. Not sure if it is serious or if just a little cold that could pass by. She is just sitting in the corner of the coop and not acting normal at all. Very worried and not sure what to do or look for.
Please Help!!
Concerned Chicken Mama!
Thank you
Welcome to BYC.

Have you checked her for being egg bound,crop issues(impact/sour)worms/mites/lice,injuries/wounds? Bring her inside and start looking from top to bottom.
Welcome to BYC. It would be good to know a few more details. How old is she , and have you added any new birds recently, or have you moved? Check her skin all over for lice and mites. Is she huddled or puffed up, any diarrhea, or ruffled feathers on her neck? Coccidiosis may be the cause. Corid (amprollium) 2 tsp of liquid (or 1 1/2 tsp of poder) per gallon of water for 5 days is the treatment for cocci. Worms could also be a factor. Could she be egg bound?
Thanks so much for the info.
She is almost a year old and has never acted this way or have had these symptoms. No new birds in the flock and have not changed anything in the food. She is more huddled with her tail feathers pointed down not up like usual. I think that she is actually laying eggs because I only have 2 chickens that lay green eggs and those have not really reduced but I could be mistaken. I will research the items you listened. Not sure where I can get the items you listed to put in the water. Would that harm the other chickens or do you think I should separate her from the flock, the other 4 chickens are not acting any different.
Thanks so much for responding so quickly!!
Thanks so much for the info.
She is almost a year old and has never acted this way or have had these symptoms. No new birds in the flock and have not changed anything in the food. She is more huddled with her tail feathers pointed down not up like usual. I think that she is actually laying eggs because I only have 2 chickens that lay green eggs and those have not really reduced but I could be mistaken. I will research the items you listened. Not sure where I can get the items you listed to put in the water. Would that harm the other chickens or do you think I should separate her from the flock, the other 4 chickens are not acting any different.
Thanks so much for responding so quickly!!
Yes,bring her inside. To check for being egg bound,put on gloves w lubricant,insert finger into vent see if you can feel an egg or broken pce. If yes,give her a tums/calcium tablet or liquid calcium,keep her quiet and keep her somewhere dark,this should help pass egg.

To check for crop issues,crop should be full at night(after eating all day)should be empty in morning(before eating)

To check for mites/lice look under wings around base of tail feathers,around vent area.Worms are not always noticeable in droppings.

Is she pooping?

Coccidiosis is a parasitic infection of the intestinal tract. Some symptoms are:runny/watery poop(may or may not contain blood,depends on which strain it is)fluffed feathers,lethargic,not eating/drinking.

Start with the egg binding,and crop issues.
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Her symptoms can be from many things, but first I would feel inside her vent with a lubricated and gloved finger for an egg. If there is an egg there, you would need to bring her inside, give her some calcium (a crushed Tums, or 1/2 an adult calcium tablet) then place her in a very warm bath for 20 minutes. That will sometimes relax the muscles to lay the impacted egg. Then dry her thoroughly and keep in the house overnight to dry completely. Don't do this if no egg is felt. The Corid is at most feed stores in the cattle medicine aisle in powder and liquid. Sometimes it is called Ampromed. It will not harm chickens if they don't have cocci, but I would treat everyone if you suspect it. A good wormer is SafeGauard Equine paste or liquid goat wormer. Getting a stool sample checked by your vet may give you more information on type of worms, any cocci or other infection such as enteritis. Here is a link about cocci:

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