Sick Chicken


7 Years
Aug 30, 2012
I have a black austerlorp that was fine and the other night my husband came home from work let the girls out to free range. Myrtle was on the nesting box so he shooed her off. She came out of the run and just stood there with her right leg barly touching the ground. He offered meal worms to the flock and the next thing he knew she was with the rest of the group eating meal worms but doing this laying down. When they were done she walked over to the water with a little limp and everytime she stopped she would lift her right leg. That night she did not go into the coop but was found laying in a corner. Husband put her in the nesting box and that is where she has been ever since. We are in our second day of her laying in the nesting box. She is not eating or drinking. She is very lifeless. Her comb is not bright red but pinkish. She is pooping. Any information you have would be helpful. Thank you.
Welcome to BYC. If she just has a leg injury, she should still be eating and drinking if she has food and water placed near to her. Could she have become very dehydrated after injuring her leg? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? I would offer her electrolyte water and some scrambled egg after bringing her inside in a basket or box. Try to see if her leg is paralyzed or just injured.
My husband thinks it is a leg injury but she is now not eating when it is placed in front of her and she won't eat mealworms now either. Her breathing looks like it maybe labored. She was vaccinated for mareks when we got them from the hatchery. Not paralyzed as she would use it now and then. I just don't know if she is going to make it. I'm very sad as she is one of my favorites. She is 2 years old in May.
Sometimes hens with internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis can start to have trouble walking when the disease is advanced. EYP is fairly common in hens that age and older. If she dies, you can either perform a necropsy on her yourself to look at her internal organs, or send her to the state vet for a necropsy.
We did lose her this evening. So sad since she was one that followed me around the yard and was very talkative. She always carried on conversations with me. Thanks for your advise.
Now I'm worried about the rest of the flock. Is there anything I can do to prevent the rest of them from getting sick.

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