Sick chicks


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2021
We got new chicks at the end of March they were born 3/19 and 3/24. One chick never thrived and died about a week later. I didn’t notice any specific signs of illness with her. About a week after that one of the other chicks started opening it’s mouth frequently and looking sick. No cough or sneezing. No bloody poop. That progressed to open mouth breathing and maybe some wheezing. She died the next day. On one of the bigger chicks I noticed some crusting around her nostrils for one to 2 days. She seemed fine after that for like 2 weeks and then yesterday I went to check on the chicks and she was stiff and breathing fast. She died about an hour later. Now today I noticed one of the other chickens looks a little pale and her eyes look swollen to me. No coughing, sneezing, eye or nose discharge. I checked their poop for worms and don’t see any. They haven’t been outside or been given treats yet. I treated them all with Corid just to be safe about a week ago. As I didn’t start then with medicated starter feed. The hatchery I got them from doesn’t vaccinate for Merricks. It’s almost looking like Coryza or mycoplasma to me but we don’t have any poultry vets in the area and the closest place that does necropsies is like 6 hours away. I’ve been changing their brooder bedding 1-2 times a week. I change their feed and water twice a day. I’ve been giving them probiotics and electrolytes. The chicks that were actively sick I gave them eggs to eat primarily but that didn’t seem to make much difference. Any advice would be appreciated!
Where did they come from? It would be unusual but not impossible to get baby chicks with mycoplasma (MG.) Do you have other birds besides the new chicks? I would try to get Tylosin powder antibiotic to put in the water. Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days. Change it every 3 rd day. Make aure they drink or dip their beaks often. Here is where to order it, unless you can contact a vet locally:
They came from a breeder in Strasbourg, Colorado. We don’t have any older chickens. I did make a stupid decision after the first one died I thought it was just because she was too small and I went and got 2 new chicks from our local Murdocks store. I quarantined them but only for a week which I now realize was not long enough. Here eyes a pretty subtle but she definitely looks more pale and puffy then normal.


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