Hi everyone. This year I have had 20 ducklings hatch in the spring, so they are now about 6 months old. 3 of them have suddenly gone lame. I'll call them duck 1, 2 and 3! So duck 1 got lame as in couldn't walk at all, then the next day he was fine again which lasted a week and then he suddenly completely couldn't walk at all again. During his 'good' week duck 2 and 3 went lame. I separated all 3 of them and gave them all panacur (safeguard) for worms for 5 days. After 2 days if treatment duck 1 went lame again and the other 2 started to waddle slightly. That was a week ago and duck 1 is still completely unable to even stand and the other 2 are waddling badly but enough to get around the pen a bit. All 3 are eating and drinking fine but have slightly raspy breathing in the last 24 hours. Please does anyone have any ideas as to what is wrong with them???! I thought worms at first but surely they would be better now? Does anyone know the recovery period?