Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

Thanks for the welcome:)

I just posted my issue also, seems redundant...but wealth is knowledge, or something like that.

So if I understand your earlier comments, can IB be treated with the vaccine and put a stop to it with out worrying about the chicks having it forever? And is there a cut off point where it is too late?

Arrrg, I just want to leave work & go take care of them.
Thank you Sharon! Me too! I'll be so happy when this is all over. So will my RIR's. I usually let them out to free range every morning, but with this illness I haven't let them for fear of them spreading it all over the yard. I don't know if that's possible, but I am taking precautions just in case. Rhodey was so mad at me for not letting them out yesterday morning that he bit my finger.
OUCH! Poor fellow. He just doesn't understand.
Yep! I agree about the knowledge.

It is not treatable. It has to run its course which takes 7-14 days and then they will remain carriers for another month or so. After the 7-14 days if there are no symptoms left, you can vaccinate against the virus so it hopefully does not happen again. They say you should give the vaccine to them before the point of lay, so before 15 to 20 weeks would be preferable. In day olds it can be sprayed on them or in older chickens it can be given in the nose, eyes, through the water, or injected. It just depends what type of vaccination you get and the instructions that come with it.
I'm so sorry to hear about what you had to go through. I'm confused...did you contact the person who sold you the chickens? If so, what was the response? I'm glad that your remaining chickens are on the mend!:aww
I've been out to check on everyone and they are seeming more like themselves today. No crowing from Rhodey this morning, but he got in trouble last night and might still be mad at me this morning. The 4 wk. olds attacked their food like a bunch of vultures, so they seem to be doing much better! The others are in the run waiting patiently for their morning bowl of warm oatmeal. I only heard a few sneezes from the wk. olds, so heres hoping that today will be a much better one!
You and me both Cyn! Thank you so much for all the support you have given to me through this whole mess.
Glad to hear things are looking up for your flock.
Let us know when we can start tempting you with cute pictures of silkies.....

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