Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

needmorechickens! :

Wow - what an ordeal! You must be exhausted dealing with all of this. I have one sick roo with CRD and I've been worried sick...I don't know how I would take it if I lost one chicken, let alone several as you have. :aww
Your persistence will pay off.
I will be praying for your chicks to pull through and also for your health and spirit.

Thank you Rebecca. This truly has been an ordeal! One that I don't ever care to repeat either! My death toll now stands at 16. I am hoping that it won't go higher than 20.
Thank you for your prayers and I will be praying for your roo also.
I'm sure that you would have done just fine Cyn! Thanks so much for all your support! Everyone's support has helped tremendously.
I know I would've gotten through it....with help from the BYC'ers...if I didn't have all of the lovely folks here, forget I hearya Cyn.

I'm so sorry you lost your buff baby...dang...
hoping and praying that your other little dumplings will be okay.
You're in my thoughts every day and I always wonder how you and your chickens are doing. Hang in there!
See what I mean about support! All of your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are what has got me this far. You all are truly wonderful friends to have! Thank you!
Awe, rats. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost the little buff, but am glad to hear you received the Gallimycin and are treating the rest! Prayers to you & your littles ones that all the rest pull through! You're doing such a great job, keep hanging in there!
Thank you Wynette. I was hoping it would pull through also, but...

On the upside of things everyone, I haven't heard any sneezing today out of anyone!!!
Earlier this afternoon I heard a lot of commotion coming from the 3 wk. olds brooder (they're 3 wks. now!) and went to see what the issue was. One of the babies had a dark piece of mulch in his mouth and they were all running around trying to get it! That was definitely normal chick behavior and a HUGE improvement compared to how they've been. One of the 6 wk. old Blue Orps. eye was really runny looking today, so I might need to order an antibiotic ointment to put in that eye, but other than that, I really am starting to see that light at the end of the tunnel that Cyn. was talking about!
Now my biggest worries lye with the unhatched chicks. They will be on day 18 tomorrow. If we can get them hatched and keep them healthy, I will be able to breath a little easier.
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Thank you Cyn! Those babies have all just been laying around in the brooder and not moving around much or making much noise, but now they have so much more spunk! I can really tell that they are feeling a lot better.

I have two BR cockerel's in that bunch. I would like to name one of them after your Zane if that's okay. I feel so connected to that boy! How has he been doing the past few day anyways?

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