Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

You're welcome to name one after my Zane. He's such a special guy and a real fighter. He's also the most affectionate rooster I've ever had. There is a post called How's Zane somewhere on here by Hawke. There are pics of him today in the garden. Here it is, found it
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Thanks a million! I will be so glad when I don't have to mix those antibiotics any longer! LOL! I am having to mix the antibiotics and fill and clorox out 3 different waterers with everyday. It is quite time consuming. It will be worth it in the end, but it does take a lot of time. I am counting my blessings that at least it's nice and hot outside instead of freezing cold. I would freeze if I had to do this in the winter and I'm sure my losses would be much greater.
Thank you for the permission Cyn! I looked at the site and was very impressed with the way that boy is looking! Boy he's come such a long way! I really am hoping that his foot will get better.
Yes it will be Cyn! We will all have to celebrate! As for my ordeal, I want it to be done too. It does seem to be getting much better. My chickens will be so much happier when they are able to free range again. Rhodey and the RIR girls are getting tired of the confinement. Nine more days and Dr. Pierson said they could get out and about again. Meanwhile I am just trying to tide them over with treats!
What a great and heroic effort you have put forth for your little chicks. They are very lucky to have you for their "mom".

Good Job!!

Awe, Stacey - I'm so happy to hear things seem to be looking up & you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Stay happy, positive, and upbeat! They'll know it & reward you!!

Oh, sweet on naming one of your cockerels after Zane. That brought a tear to my eye (yep, I'm a crier!). Can't WAIT for the days to pass for you!

I've been offline for a few days and I'm just now catching up. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. If you'd like more Delaware eggs just let me know.

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